Tuesday, October 16, 2018

When to Use Ensure vs. Insure

Here’s a problem I’ve encountered a lot: the confusion of ensure vs. insure.

But wait, those two words are the same, right? Well . . . kind of, but not exactly.

When to Use Ensure vs Insure

Let’s un-muddle them, shall we?

The Connection Between Ensure and Insure

Every time I hear the word “ensure,” I think of the high-protein flavored beverage that I will never drink.

But we’re going to use this ingestible product to help you remember how to use ensure. Win-win (kind of).

Both “insure” and “ensure” are verbs. They both derive from the same word meaning “to make sure.”

We are off to a running start in the confusion race. But this is really a pretty simple conflict to resolve.

When to Ensure

For example:

Carrie knew that drinking a gallon of milk in an hour would ensure that Simon would experience intense gastrointestinal discomfort, but she didn’t make any moves to prevent his performance.

Everyone here familiar with the gallon challenge? More importantly, everyone familiar with the inevitable results of a gallon challenge? Good. Then you all know how this story ends.

Participating in the gallon challenge ensures that Simon will not be doing well in an hour or less.

When to Insure

In this case, achieving the desired outcome will require some work; it’s not an easy guarantee. You often insure against something.

It’s most commonly used in the context of insurance (health, homeowner’s, car, etc.). But it still has uses outside of the realm of policies and deductibles:

Unbeknownst to Carrie, Simon had two bottles of Pepto-Bismol in his pocket, hoping that they would insure against trouble in his digestive tract.

In this case, Simon has brought some medicinal aids in order to protect his digestive system from undesirable effects. Make sense? Cool.

Insure Against Grammar Mishaps

English grammar can be tricky. But we’ll keep posting articles like this to ensure you understand all its ins and outs. Keep reading and practicing in the comments to insure against unfortunate errors in your writing!

What sets of similar words trip you up? Let us know in the comments!


Take fifteen minutes to write about Simon’s decision to partake in the gallon challenge. How successful was his insurance attempt? Has he really ensured his digestive demise?

Post in the comments so we can be just as grossed out as you are. Be sure to leave feedback on your fellow writers’ pieces!

The post When to Use Ensure vs. Insure appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice https://ift.tt/2QWtmyl

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