Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Join The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt (and win silly prizes)

by Pamela Hodges

The world still needs more silly. That’s why we want to invite you to please join us for The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt. We will randomly choose three participants to win a new Moleskine notebook, a red Swingline stapler, or a pair of rubber gloves.

The Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt

Wait, WHAT Scavenger Hunt?

This is a Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt, as in, highly irrational, crazy and silly.

The world does need more love. I agree with Jackie DeShannon: what the world needs now is not more mountains or meadows; we need more love.

But, Jackie, we also need more silly. Lots of silly.

You don’t have to have fun if you don’t want to. I don’t even mind if you whine a little bit. I won’t even make you brush your teeth before you start the game. And I won’t make you clean my seven litter boxes.

Still—please have fun. Fun is good. So is pizza.

Are you wondering how to have fun in the Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt? Read on for the instructions.

The Wacky Writing Prompts

Here you go. Here is your Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt List.

To participate in this scavenger hunt, write a story including all ten of the following prompts. Are you ready?

On your mark. Get set. Go!

Ten Wacky Writing Prompts

img_93931. To find the first sentence of your story: Take the fourth book from the right off of the second shelf of your bookshelf. On page eighty-nine, fourth sentence from the top, is the first sentence of your story. (If it is a blank page, keep going until you find a page with type.)

2. What you ate for dinner last night is what the main character ate for breakfast. (If there are no leftovers, your character has to eat a burnt piece of toast.

3. The conflict in the story is what is in the glove compartment of your car. If you don’t have a car then the conflict is whatever shoes you are wearing right now. I will let you have options because I am so nice. Here’s your other option: your protagonist wants the last item you purchased.

4. Your main character, okay, okay, the protagonist, is wearing what is hanging in your closet, second item from the left. I will give you another option, if you hate what is hanging second from the left. Your character may wear whatever clothes is in your laundry hamper. If you just did laundry and you don’t have any dirty clothes then have a bunny rabbit onesie, with feet.

img_93905. The protagonist’s hair color is the color of your dishes. If you don’t have any dishes then their hair color is the color of your toothbrush. If you don’t have a toothbrush, we need to talk.

6. The protagonist will use whatever is in your mailbox to win their conflict. If there is nothing in your mailbox, then your protagonist will use a bag of cat litter to win their conflict.

img_93917. Please, please, please, use the word “pizza” at least once in your story. I said, please, please, please, so I didn’t sound so bossy. To be nice, I will give you a choice of three words to choose from. One of these words has to be in your story. (Did you notice the word has was in italics, and bold? That means I really mean it.)

Here are your other choices: “tomato” or “stapler.” If you don’t like those, turn to page fifty-eight, or the page number of your age, in your dictionary, look in the left-hand column, and use the fifth word from the top. If the word is a dirty word, go to the next word. (Dirty words, as in body parts, or bad words, as in you wouldn’t want your children to read the word. )

8. The Antagonist, the person trying to keep the protagonist from getting what they want, has the same name as the last person you sent a text to. If you don’t text, then the last person you spoke to. If you never speak to anyone, which would be very sad, use your mother’s first name. My mom’s first name is Berdeane. Which is my middle name. Just in case you were wondering.

9. The location is the opening scene of the book on the bottom shelf of your bookcase, third from the bottom right. If you have more than one bookcase, choose the bookcase closest to your bathroom.

10. You will get help to resolve your conflict with a pair of rubber gloves.


Now You Have Your Challenge

There we go. This will be fun. After Alice (Hi Alice) edits the Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt, I will play it as well.

Don’t forget to post your challenge! Silly stories are due by Monday, September 19. Then, on Tuesday, September 20, we’ll choose three random participants to win a new Moleskine notebook, a red Swingline stapler, or a pair of rubber gloves.

Would you like more writing prompts? Find our top 100 short story ideas here »

Did you ever play a Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt? Let me know in the comments. I would love to hear about your extra-creative writing adventures. And if you have any suggestions for the Third Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt, please let me know.


Follow the Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt clues.

This is a no time-limit challenge. Take as long as you want, and have fun. However, if you’d like to post your story in the comments section (and be entered for the silly prize), please keep it on the shorter side, fewer than 500 words. Otherwise, not many people will have time to read your story!

Please comment on someone else’s story. And have a fun, silly day.

All my best,

The post Join The Second Annual Wacky Writing Prompt Scavenger Hunt (and win silly prizes) appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://ift.tt/2cp3xnK

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