Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Announcing Our 5th Anniversary Writing Contest

by Joe Bunting

We’re so excited to celebrate The Write Practice’s fifth anniversary! We started the party last week by launching our newest book, How to Win a Writing Contest.

(If you missed it, get your free copy here!)

But it gets better! We’re not only sharing with you our best writing contest resources. We’re giving you an opportunity to put them to use right away.

That’s right—today, we’re opening the 5th Anniversary Writing Contest!

5th Anniversary Writing Contest

We’re so excited to share what makes this contest special. Read on below, or . . .

Click here to see all the details of the 5th Anniversary Writing Contest.

A Writing Contest That Will Help You Grow

Writing contests can be some of the best practice you can get for your writing. They offer motivation (prizes!), deadlines, inspiration (contest themes!), and publication opportunities.

But they can also be very discouraging. I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be to lose a writing contest, especially when you have no idea why your story wasn’t chosen.

What if a writing contest didn’t just ask you to write a winning story, but helped you to grow as a writer along the way? And what if you could get direct feedback from the judges that would help you understand what’s working in your writing and what isn’t?

That’s our goal as we design all our contests. We care as much about helping you grow in your writing as we do about awarding prizes. To that end, this contest involves two awesome features:

  • Every writer who enters will get personalized feedback on their story.
  • Every writer will also get premium instruction to help them write the best story they’re capable of.

Plus, we’re offering feedback directly from the judges. You can learn more about how it works here.

A Writing Contest in Which Everyone Gets Published

We know it’s frustrating when you work hard on a piece you know is great, but it doesn’t get selected by the judges. You want your writing to get the exposure it deserves.

So do we.

That’s why this writing contest is unique in one more way: everyone who enters gets published.

The 5th Anniversary Writing Contest isn’t just about choosing winners and losers. It will help you become a better writer.

How to Enter the Writing Contest

Entrants are asked to write a new story up to 1,500 words long.

You will then workshop your story within the Becoming Writer community, getting personalized feedback to help you make your story better.

After workshopping your story within the writing group, you can you submit your story to the contest.

Judges from our partner literary magazine, Short Fiction Break, will then choose the winning stories. Since it’s our fifth anniversary, we’re going big:

  • One grand prize winner will win a $500 cash prize!
  • Five runners-up will receive $50 each.

While all submitted stories will be published on shortfictionbreak.com, the five runners-up will receive a featured spot on the magazine, and the grand-prize-winning story will be published here on The Write Practice, live in front of our thousands of readers.

Ready to enter? Click here to learn more and sign up for the 5th Anniversary Writing Contest.

And if you haven’t yet, click here to get your free copy of How to Win a Writing Contest.

I hope I see you and your story in the contest! Good luck!

The post Announcing Our 5th Anniversary Writing Contest appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://ift.tt/294Hin5

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