Wednesday, June 8, 2016

8 Fun and Inspiring Writing Quotes from Kathy Jeffords

by Kellie McGann

The Write Practice exists to help writers improve their craft through deliberate practice. Through doing this, we get to meet new aspiring writers who are growing in their craft and encouraging and inspiring others. This week we wanted to share with you some fun, inspirational writing quotes from our new friend Kathy Jeffords. (Read more of Kathy’s story here.)

8 Fun and Inspiring Writing Quotes from Kathy Jeffords

Here are eight quotes about writing from Kathy. You can get these awesome writing quotes here on Kathy Jefford’s Etsy shop.

1. “The point is…”


2. “Just write one page…”


3. “Edit or regret it.”


4. “I will write until not a single word remains…”


I will write until not a single word remains in my soul . . .

until every story in my heart has been told . . .

until my mind’s well of ideas is bone dry . . .

and even then I will write on because writing is not just something I do, but a part of who I am.

—Kathy Jeffords

5. “WRITE some letters make a word…”


WRITE some letters make a word

WRITE some words make a sentence

WRITE some sentences make a page

WRITE some pages make a chapter

WRITE some chapters make a book

—Kathy Jeffords

 6. “Your fingers tap dance across the keys…”


your fingers tap dance

across the keys

spilling stories

onto hungry pages

filling afternoons

with prose

your soul flung open

like a window,

sunlight streaming in

—Kathy Jeffords

7. “That second draft will not kill you…”


That second draft will not kill you . . . It may kill some of your characters, (odds of this go up exponentially if you write murder mysteries) but it will absolutely, positively, pinky swear, not kill you. —Kathy Jeffords

8. “You are a writer…”


You are a writer: a sentence-crafting, plot-building, character-creating, spell-checking, story-telling, word-rearranging, suspense-building, character-finishing, bona fide writer and writers write! (So no excuses—start writing!) —Kathy Jeffords

We all need a little inspiration sometimes to encourage us to write. You can check out Kathy’s Etsy shop to get these prints and more fun writing quotes.

And of course, now that you’re inspired—write!

Which quote is your favorite? (Mine is #6.) Let me know in the comments!


In light of these inspirational writing quotes, practice writing! Take fifteen minutes to free write and post your practice in the comments. Be sure to give feedback to other writers as well!

Happy inspired writing!

The post 8 Fun and Inspiring Writing Quotes from Kathy Jeffords appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice

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