Thursday, June 28, 2018

Flash Giveaway: Win a Livescribe Smartpen!

We love equipping writers with the best tools for the craft. And there’s nothing more essential to a writer than the pen you use to write.

Flash Giveaway: Win a Livescribe Smartpen!

That’s why we’re excited to give away a Livescribe 3 Smartpen to one lucky writer!

Enter the giveaway now! Or, read on to get all the details.

The Magic of Pen and Paper

Writers often ask me, “Should I write my book on a computer, or should I write it longhand and type it up later?”

Of course, writing on a computer has some major benefits. Word processors will tell you your word count automatically. You can save your writing in multiple places, creating backup copies so you never lose a word. You can send your stories to beta readers and editors, and you’ll never need to retype it all.

But writing longhand has its benefits, too, especially to creative writers. Studies show it boosts memory, and it’s correlated with increased creativity as well.

Plus, many writers prefer to pen their stories with an actual pen before turning to the computer. JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book on napkins.

Of his writing process, Truman Capote said, “No, I don’t use a typewriter. Not in the beginning. I write my first version in longhand (pencil). Then I do a complete revision, also in longhand.”

If you prefer to write with pen and paper, you’re not alone.

Livescribe Smartpen: Pen, Paper, and Word Processor

Pen and paper, or word processor and keyboard? The good news is, you don’t have to choose. All you need is the right pen.

With the Livescribe 3 smartpen, you can tap into the creative flow of writing longhand and enjoy the benefits of typing on your computer. Here’s how:

  • The Livescribe 3 smartpen writes like a ballpoint pen, so your writing is smooth and natural.
  • It records your writing and sends it to the Livescribe+ app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • From there, you can convert your handwritten stories to editable text. No retyping needed!

And that’s not all. The Livescribe 3 smartpen can record audio as you write, so you can remember what you were listening to at any point in your text. It also makes your handwritten writing searchable, even if you don’t convert it to editable text.

And it does it all with fourteen hours of battery life between charges.

Imagine capturing the creativity of writing longhand and the convenience of typing on your computer. What could that do for your writing?

Why not enter the giveaway and find out?

How to Enter the Giveaway

Want to enter the giveaway? Here’s how to maximize your chances of winning:

  1. Click here to go to the giveaway page.
  2. At the bottom of the page, answer the (easy!) question, which is really just there to make sure you’re a human. (You are a human, right?)
  3. Then, enter your email address to enter.
  4. Check your email and click the link in the confirmation email to confirm your entry.
  5. After you enter, share the contest page with your friends. For each friend who enters, you get 3 more chances to win.

You have four days to get as many entries as you can. The giveaway will officially close on Sunday, July 1, at midnight Pacific time.

Then, we’ll choose the winners on Monday, July 2, and notify them by email. If you’re ready to enter, click here.

What are you waiting for? Enter to win a Livescribe 3 smartpen now!

Which do you prefer, pen and paper or computer and keyboard? Let me know in the comments below.

The post Flash Giveaway: Win a Livescribe Smartpen! appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice

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