Friday, December 22, 2017

2017 Was a Great Year for Writers!

How do you become a great writer? How do you write books that people love? How do you turn your writing into a career without losing it as a passion?

These are the problems I was trying to help writers solve when I started The Write Practice in 2011, and in 2017, we did more to accomplish those goals than ever. But we couldn’t have done it without the help and support from this community.

2017 Was a Great Year for Writers!

In this post, I’d love to do a year-end-review on everything we accomplished together in 2017.

What We’ve Accomplished Together 2017

Here are a few things we accomplished in 2017:

  • Reached 4.8 million people in 238 countries*
  • Published 218 new writing lessons and exercises
  • Our exercises and lessons have been used in dozens of classrooms, from middle schools to high schools to universities
  • Were dissed on Twitter by J.K. Rowling (the fact that she even knows who we are is crazy)
  • Helped Syrian writer Nabeel Kallas publish and fully fund his novel, When the Jasmine Returns, on Kickstarter
  • Helped 100+ writers finish their books through our 100 Day Book Program
  • Celebrated several writers from our community publishing their books, including our own Ruthanne Reid’s Half-Shell PropheciesMary Patrick’s The House on Moss Swamp Road, Joslyn Chase’s Nocturne in Ashes, and Jeff Elkins’s Mencken and the Lost Boys. Congratulations! (Did you publish your book this year? Let us know here!)

Pretty amazing, right?

* I’m not even sure there ARE that many countries, but that’s what Google Analytics says!

The 5 Best Writing Lessons and Exercises of 2017

We published SO many great writing exercises and lessons this year, but here are five that stand out:

JK Rowling’s 8 Rules of Writing

Book Writing Software: Top 10 Pieces of Software for Writers

Literary Crisis: Why a Crisis Will Make Your GOOD Story GREAT

Daily Routines of Writers: Using the Power of Habits and Triggers to Write Every Day

10 Critical Mistakes Writers Make in Writing Contests

What was YOUR favorite post from The Write Practice in 2017? Let us know in the comments.

We Couldn’t Have Done This Without You

This year was our best yet, but without your attention and support, none of it would have been possible.

I hope you’ve grown in your writing this year. I know I’ve learned so much from this community, and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I’m at as a writer without you.

Thank you for reading and for practicing with us. From all of The Write Practice team, we’re so grateful to you.

How about you? What have you accomplished in your writing this year? Let us know in the comments.


Choose one of our top five posts above. Then read the lesson and do the practice. When you’re finished, post your practice in the comments section of that post.

Happy writing!

The post 2017 Was a Great Year for Writers! appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice

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