Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Giveaway: Win Freewrite, the World’s First Smart Typewriter!

How often do you find yourself writing . . . when suddenly, a rogue distraction interrupts you? You get a text. Or an email pops up in your inbox. You need to do some quick research to get this scene just right. Or you just have to check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, just for a moment.

Freewrite Giveaway

And forty-five minutes later, you come back to your story to realize you’ve barely written a paragraph.

Beat distractions with Freewrite, the world’s first smart typewriter! Enter the giveaway »

Freewrite: The Solution for Distraction

We all have days when the distractions win and our writing suffers. (Sometimes it seems like that’s every day.) We know we need to focus on our writing. But let’s face it: focus is hard.

A couple years ago, a pair of writers decided we don’t just need more willpower. What we really need is a better writing tool.

They created the Freewrite, the world’s first smart typewriter.

The Magic of Freewrite

There’s never been a typewriter quite like Freewrite. Here’s what we love about it:

The e-ink type. It’s high-contrast, easy to read, and won’t tire your eyes.

The e-paper screen. There’s no backlight, unlike an LED screen, so it looks like you’re writing on real paper. Plus, you can write in direct sunlight with no hard-to-read glare!

The keyboard. The Freewrite keyboard is designed like a desktop keyboard, with real key-switches that make typing feel incredible on your fingers.

The digital sync. Freewrite syncs to Dropbox, Evernote, and Google Drive, so it’s easy to keep your writing safe and edit it later.

With Freewrite, you can take your writing wherever you go—without distractions. Learn more about what makes Freewrite such a powerful tool here.

Win Freewrite

The best part is, we’re giving away Freewrite to one lucky winner! This is your chance to win distraction-free writing with one of the best writing tools around.

Want to enter the giveaway? Here’s how to maximize your chances of winning:

  1. Click here to go to the giveaway page.
  2. At the bottom of the page, answer the (easy!) question, which is really just there to make sure you’re a human. (You are a human, right?)
  3. Then, enter your email address to enter.
  4. Check your email and click the link in the confirmation email to confirm your entry.
  5. After you enter, share the contest page with your friends. For each friend who enters, you get 3 more chances to win.

You have a week to get as many entries as you can. The giveaway will officially close on Tuesday, September 5, at midnight Pacific time.

Then, we’ll choose the winners on Wednesday, September 6, and notify them by email. If you’re ready to enter, click here.

What are you waiting for? Enter to win Freewrite now!

Have you ever used Freewrite? How did it help you focus on your writing? Let us know in the comments.


Today’s practice comes to you in two steps:

Step 1: Enter the giveaway here and share it with your friends to get more entries.

Step 2: Free write for fifteen minutes.

When you’re done, share your writing practice in the comments. Don’t forget to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

The post Giveaway: Win Freewrite, the World’s First Smart Typewriter! appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://ift.tt/2x1yElb

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