Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why You Should Write Your Book in 100 Days

Ready to write your book? Join us for the next semester of the 100 Day Book Challenge! Learn more and write your book »

You might think, no one can write a book in 100 days. And certainly not a good book.

You might even feel a program like our 100 Day Book Challenge is just a quick fix. It should take longer to write a book. It’s about the experience!

Write a Book: Why You Should Write Your Book in 100 Days

But let me ask you this:

100 Days of Focused Writing

This level of focus can be life-changing. You’ll write more than you ever have (plenty for a book). Best of all, you’ll feel creatively invigorated and alive.

This is why Stephen King said,

The first draft of a book—even a long one—should take no more than three months, the length of a season.

Because writing a book in a short period of time like this gives an energy and focus to your writing that is so much harder to capture when you’re writing a first draft over several years.

That’s why we believe that 100 days is the perfect length of time to write the first draft of your book.

An Essential Accomplishment

Yes, your book will need more work afterward, so we’ll walk you through the editing process, too.

However, after 100 days, you will have accomplished the most important part: You will have written a book! And that’s something to be very proud of.

The question is, why aren’t you going to spend the next 100 days focused on your writing?

Are you ready to take the plunge and write a book in 100 days? Join us for the next semester of the 100 Day Book Challenge and get the support of other writers and a team of editors cheering you on from start to finish! Discover the program »

What are you focusing on writing right now? Let us know in the comments.


You can’t start and finish your book in today’s practice, but you can focus on your writing for fifteen minutes, right now. If you’re working on a book or another piece of writing, by all means, pull it out and take this time to make some progress! Or, start a new story based on this prompt: a woman is so distracted by her phone that she trips down the stairs.

Today’s goal is quantity, not quality. How much can you write in just fifteen minutes? When your timer goes off, share your practice in the comments, and be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

The post Why You Should Write Your Book in 100 Days appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://ift.tt/2iB693V

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