Monday, January 9, 2017

10 Tips to Start Writing (or Exercising) Again

It’s the second week of January, meaning there are many commercials, articles, and social media posts out there telling us how to get fit.

Writing Goals: 10 Tips to Start Writing (or Exercising) Again

At first I dismissed the advice—I like exercising and feel like I do it enough (eating healthy is a different story, but whatever).

But as the posts about changing habits and sticking to goals kept popping up on my news feeds, I realized something important: these tips could help me with something I don’t feel like I do enough—write!

10 Tips to Accomplish Your Writing Goals

So many of the fitness tips I’ve read over the past week can just as easily apply to writing goals. To save space and your time, I’ll just share my top 10:

  1. Start with small, manageable goals.
  2. Create a schedule, and stick to it.
  3. Add a reward to your regime.
  4. Even if the first day is terrible, try again! (It’ll get easier.)
  5. Buddy up! You don’t always have to work (or workout) alone.
  6. Try a goal-setting app like Habit List.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up if you skip a day!
  8. Keep things interesting with a change of scenery, playlist, or even project.
  9. Try a new class.
  10. Share your goals with friends and family.

Take Action

It’s all too easy to forget your goals after just a few weeks, or even days. (You haven’t forgotten your goals already, have you?) What action will you take today to make sure your writing goals don’t fall by the wayside, but are a priority in your life throughout 2017?

Do you have advice for writers hoping to meet their writing goals? Let us know in the comments.


One great way to make progress on your writing goals is to establish a daily writing habit. Today, take fifteen minutes to continue writing your work in progress. If you don’t have a work in progress, start a new story using the following prompt: a man is at a store returning a gift he received last month.

When you’re done, share your practice in the comments, and be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

The post 10 Tips to Start Writing (or Exercising) Again appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice

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