Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Best Post Work-Out Protein Rich Recipe: Grab-and-go Tortillas

After a big workout, I often get an itch for something to instantly to curb my hunger. If you’re not prepared with healthy whole food options, it’s easy to resort to more processed grab and go choices to help take care of a rumbling tummy. Without a plan in place, eyes may even wander to the nearest take-out joint or coffee shop, to satisfy an immediate need.

4 Drawbacks that can come with Consistently Eating Out

1) What’s in my meal?:

We don’t always know what is going into our meals when eating out including the sodium level.

what's in my meal

2) Portion control:

When we eat out, we have very little control over portion size and tend to eat a lot more than what our bodies actually need.

3) Hungry mind, unhealthy cravings:

When hunger is at the forefront of our mind, sugary and unbeneficial foods may become more and more attractive because they are fast and available.

4) Not budget-friendly:

Eating out can get pricey really fast. Even ten dollars here and fifteen dollars there can really add up.

So what’s the best option for avoiding unhealthy options when hunger takes over?

Make a snack, that’s easy to grab and eat on the go in advance. One of my favorite post-workout snacks is Grab-And-Go Tortillas. Delicious, and filled with fresh ingredients likes tomatoes and avocado, the star of this wrap is the protein-packed beef. The protein will help you repair muscles post-workout and gives you the energy to carry on with the rest of your day with vigor. Pack this protein-filled snack for a quick hunger-curbing snack and you’ll be set to take on the day.

Grab & Go TortillasRecipe: Grab-And-Go Tortillas

Prep Time: 5 min

Makes: 8 – 10 servings


  • Cooked roast beef (see tip)
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 1 red onion, sliced and marinated (see notes)
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped10 small tortillas
  • 10 small tortillas
  • Cilantro leaves (optional)
  • Sour cream (optional)


  1. Carve cooked roast into super thin slices, cutting it across the grain.
  2. Assemble Tortillas by layering sliced roast beef on warmed tortilla along with avocado slices, marinated onion and chopped tomato. Top with cilantro leaves and a dollop of sour cream (optional).

To cook roast beef:

Season roast all over and then place in shallow roasting pan. Insert the ovenproof thermometer into center of roast. Oven-sear by placing uncovered in preheated 450°F oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 275°F. Cook until the thermometer reads 145°F for medium-rare or 160F° for medium doneness.

To marinate onion:

Heat a vinaigrette dressing to simmering and toss with onion slices to coat; refrigerate in dressing.

Tip: Beef Quick Roasts are roasts cut in a small size that cooks in under an hour – they make the perfect sized slices for the tortilla.

from Dai Manuel: The Moose is Loose


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