Sunday, February 25, 2018

Top 10 Tips for Travel Writing Success

“No offence, but I want to be THERE, not here.” This was the response from Amber, a participant in one of my recent ‘Introduction to Travel Writing’ Workshops. The group had been given a table covered in travel magazines and I was asking them what had made them choose the one they had selected. She was pointing to cover photo showing someone sunbathing on the deck of a luxury yacht floating above a vibrant blue sea. That’s the effect every travel photographer or writer wants to evoke. In this workshop I help wannabe travel writers to understand what makes great travel writing, how to craft a magnetic opening sentence and why it’s so important to write in an original and engaging manner.

Really good travel writing takes us from the desk, sofa, bus or bed to another place where we can relax and experience a different aspect of life. Here are my suggestions to help YOU improve your style and create compelling content.

Top 10 Travel Writing Tips

  1. Find an original angle, whether it’s for a well-known place or lesser-known sight

  2. Share your own experiences, be real – be YOU

  3. Become a specialist and have a niche that gives readers a reason to seek you out

  4. Write simply, don’t try to impress and focus on taking your reader on the journey with you  

  5. Tell a story that you would like to read

  6. Make sure your opening paragraph hooks your reader’s attention straight away

  7. Create a mental picture using all the senses so they can see, hear, feel and experience with you

  8. Check your facts – and check again

  9. Be original – avoid clichés and overused phrases such as ‘breathtaking view’, ‘vibrant culture‘, ‘life’s a beach’

  10. Be patient – it takes time & energy to develop your writing style but it really is worth it 😊

I run a variety of Travel Writing and Blogging Workshops for individuals as well as tourism boards, tourist attractions, other DMOs and specialists in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sector. For more information and to discuss your specific requirements, contact Zoe Dawes here. 

The post Top 10 Tips for Travel Writing Success appeared first on The Quirky Traveller Blog.

from The Quirky Traveller Blog

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