Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Giveaway: Win Your Favorite Books on Audible

In his book On Writing, Stephen King wrote, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”

Amazing Audible Giveaway

We couldn’t agree more. That’s why we’re excited for our Audible Giveaway. One lucky writer will win a $100 gift card to find amazing books to listen to on Audible.

Or, read on to get all the details.

The Magic of Audiobooks

You know that if you want to write well, you need to read a ton. Maybe you even have a reading list of all the books you plan to tackle this year.

But sometimes it can be hard to find time to read. Life gets in the way, days and weeks pass, and you realize you haven’t made any progress on the stack of books waiting on your bedside table.

(No? Just me, then? Darn.)

That’s where audiobooks come in. They fit into the nooks and crannies of life. It’s easy to play an audiobook while you’re driving to work, or doing the dishes, or going on a run.

Plus, an excellent narrator adds a whole new layer to the storytelling. When you’re listening to Ready Player One narrated by Wil Wheaton or Harry Potter narrated by Stephen Fry, you might even enjoy getting stuck in traffic.

Win a $100 Audible Gift Card

The best part is, we’re giving away a $100 Audible gift card to one lucky winner! This is your chance to win your next great listens.

Want to enter the giveaway? Here’s how to maximize your chances of winning:

  1. Click here to go to the giveaway page.
  2. At the bottom of the page, answer the (easy!) question, which is really just there to make sure you’re a human. (You are a human, right?)
  3. Then, enter your email address to enter.
  4. Check your email and click the link in the confirmation email to confirm your entry.
  5. After you enter, share the contest page with your friends. For each friend who enters, you get 3 more chances to win.

You have a week to get as many entries as you can. The giveaway will officially close on Tuesday, October 17, at midnight Pacific time.

Then, we’ll choose the winners on Thursday, October 19, and notify them by email. If you’re ready to enter, click here.

What are you waiting for? Enter to win the Audible gift card now!

What’s your favorite audiobook? Share your recommendations in the comments.


Today’s practice comes to you in two steps:

Step 1: Enter the giveaway here and share it with your friends to get more entries.

Step 2: Pick up something you’ve already written and take fifteen minutes to read it aloud. What do you discover about it as you read? Are there any strengths you didn’t realize, or any changes you want to make?

When you’re done, share the piece you read in the comments. Don’t forget to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

The post Giveaway: Win Your Favorite Books on Audible appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://ift.tt/2yV6Hta

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