Thursday, February 16, 2017

Five Inspiring Writing Quotes From African American Authors

Inspirational writing quotes from authors are plastered all over my Pinterest boards. I have quotes that sit on my desk right where I can see them if I glance away from my computer. If I’m in a slump or a rut, scrolling through the “Advice To Writers” Twitter account can pick me right back up.

5 Inspirational Writing Quotes From African American Authors

In honor of Black History Month, I want to share five quotes from black authors that are sure to give you the push you need to write something fantastic.

1. Tell Your Untold Stories

Everyone has a story inside them they can and must tell, even if they don’t know it yet. No one story is the same, which means you and only you can tell the one sitting inside your head and heart, waiting to be written.

Sit someplace quiet and listen. What story is inside you right now, begging to be told?

2. Resilience Is Key

“Be strategic and resilient in the pursuit of your dreams. That sounds like a cheesy quote, right? But nah, I’m serious. Resilience is one hell of a quality to master and not many have the skin for it.” —Tiffany D. Jackson

With writing comes rejection. No author can truly escape it. No author places in every contest, wins the heart of every agent, or tops every book list there is.

Is all the rejection still worth the end result? Absolutely. Challenges strengthen you. If you can take everything life has to throw at you, you can get right back up and prove you have a story worth telling.

3. Write the Story the World Is Missing

“If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.” —Toni Morrison

It seems strange that even with the countless novels available to us all over the world, there are still gaping holes in every genre. And it can be incredibly frustrating when what you want to read most doesn’t seem to exist. Chances are, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

Here’s a little secret: you can be the one to fill that hole. If something is missing in your genre of choice, be the solution to that problem.

4. Don’t Worry About Other People

“People are going to judge you all the time no matter what you do. . . . Don’t worry about other people. Worry about you.” —Jacqueline Woodson

Everyone’s a critic and it’s impossible to stop other people’s judgments. But guess what? It’s not your problem.

Sort out what comments are just plain negative and which ones are constructive criticism. Only take to heart what’s going to help you learn and grow as a writer. The rest you can forget about. They’ll only bog you down.

5. Hold Fast to Dreams

Dreams and desires are what motivate us. Without motivation, we wouldn’t get anywhere. Creativity and productivity can all be fueled by passion.

What sparks that drive in you? Find it and hold onto it. It’s a powerful and priceless thing.

Who are your favorite black authors? Let us know in the comments below and help us all discover more writers.


Take one of the quotes from above and think about how it applies to you. How can you use it to grow as a writer? Save it along with some of your other favorite quotes somewhere easily accessible, like a Word document or a Pinterest board.

With that inspiration mulling around in your head, write for fifteen minutes. You can work on your work in progress, or start a new story. Share your practice in the comments once you’ve finished, if you’d like. Don’t forget to give your fellow writers some love, too!

The post Five Inspiring Writing Quotes From African American Authors appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice

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