Tuesday, April 23, 2019

PXG Announces GEN2 Putter Lineup with Improved Fitting System

Given that PXG released GEN2 Irons and then GEN2 Metalwoods, logically it was only a matter of time before the company released GEN2 putters. And so here you go.

Times are changing (Stroke Lab, anyone), but traditionally putter stories are almost entirely about the heads themselves. One could argue that the PXG GEN2 putter story is every bit as much a fitting story.

As PXG Founder and CEO, Bob Parsons points out, “Putts account for roughly 40 percent of shots taken, yet only a small percentage of golfers make an effort to be properly fitted.” I suppose you can chalk a good bit of that up to the mythology that the look and feel characteristics of a putter somehow supersede real-world performance considerations. Via the new fitting platform, which is basically a fitting cart for putters, Parsons says, “we’re working to change that stat.  With the release of our exceptional new PXG GEN2 Putters, we are committed to helping golfers dial-in their preferred putter to help shave strokes off their score.”

8 Models

That fitting kit pairs eight 100% milled GEN2 putters with three hosel options, and an adjustable fitting shaft to dial-in the perfect length. It’s important to note that the adjustable shaft is a fitting tool only, and isn’t included in the final/take home product.

As you’d expect from a lineup with eight heads, the GEN2 putter lineup features everything from high MOI mallets down to reasonably small blades. The fitting kit allows each of the eight models (Closer, Lucky “D,” Brandon, Mustang, Bat Attack, Mini Gunboat, Gunboat, and Operator) to be mixed and matched with any of PXG’s three hosel styles – double bend, plumbers neck, or heel shaft. The heel shaft option is basically a slant neck. All eight models are available in both black and chrome finish options.

Performance can be further dialed-in by way of interchangeable 5g, 10g, 15g, and 20g titanium and tungsten weights. In the interest of simplifying things for fitters and cleaning things up visually, PXG has moved to larger weights (fewer moving parts) and has positioned them on the sole, which clears the nuts and bolts look at address.

Pyramid Milling

There’s a growing body of evidence to suggest that face technology matters in a putter. While there are still some that swear by a no-tech milled face, the reality is that nearly every major putter manufacturer has integrated some sort of roll-enhancing, speed-maintaining technology into its putter faces. PXG is no different. The GEN 2 putter lineup features what PXG calls a Variable-sized, Pyramid Milling pattern. According to PXG, the pyramid structures provide more consistent launch and roll characteristics, while at the same time softening feel. As with similar technology from EVNROLL and PING, the objective is to maintain speed, and with it, distance control, on off-center hits.

And yes, no matter how good you think you are – you do miss the center of the putter face every now and again.

Availability and Pricing

PXG GEN2 Putters are available now. Retail price is $425.

For more information, visit PXG.com.


Unbiased. No Guesswork. All Major Brands. Matched To Your Swing. Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning.


from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2XBKPPM

MyGolfSpy Community Case Study: SuperSpeed Golf

What would you say if I told you that you could gain a good 15 to 20 yards by the 4th of July?

I’m guessing some of you would say sign me up. Others, I’m guessing, would wonder if I was out of my mother-blogging mind.

Do you remember our article last summer on SuperSpeed Golf? It’s a unique swing speed training system designed to help you swing faster – a lot faster – almost right away. A SuperSpeed Golf set consists of three weighted shafts – one 20% lighter than your driver, one 10% lighter and one 5% heavier. Following SuperSpeed Golf’s recommended protocols (available on its website), the company says you can gain 3 to 4 MPH in swing speed after just one session, with more significant – and permanent – gains with a longer-term commitment.

Since last fall, seven MyGolfSpy Forum members have been involved in a case study on the long-term effects of using SuperSpeed Golf and the results may stun even the most hardened World Wide Web cynic.

Turbo Neurons

SuperSpeed Golf is neurological in nature – it rewires how quickly your body can respond when you pull the trigger on the golf swing. Technically, it’s known as Overspeed Training.

“A big percentage of our training has nothing to do with changing muscles, changing swing mechanics or anything,” says SuperSpeed co-owner Michael Napoleon. “Those are minor pieces compared to the fact that Overspeed Training, in its essence, just resets the normal reaction speed to a motor pattern.”

Translation: your neurons are turbo-charged into a new normal, and you can swing the club faster. A lot faster.

Each one of our testers was equipped with a SuperSpeed set and a companion swing speed radar to capture their results. Each tester saw a swing speed gain almost immediately, and after the first 6-week session increases ranged from a low of 3% to a high of 11%.

“These are your average weekend warriors,” says Napoleon. “From a physical fitness standpoint, we had a lot of variation. Some of them weren’t going to the gym and weren’t in an active fitness program.”

“The ones that were doing a regular fitness routine kept doing it. The ones that weren’t, weren’t,” adds SuperSpeed co-owner Kyle Shay. “They kept doing what they were doing before. The only variance was the weather.”

Through its research, SuperSpeed has charted out what golfers should see as they go through the program. It starts with an almost immediate jump that continues through what’s called the first Normalization period, which usually lasts about six to eight weeks as players go through the SuperSpeed protocols. After a month-and-a-half to two months, that first jump becomes more or less permanent, and progress hits the first Plateau.

During that first Plateau, swing speeds stay relatively consistent as players continue to work through the protocols. Then somewhere between weeks 15 and 26, players experience a secondary jump in swing speed.

“That second jump – there are a lot more complicated pieces as to why that happens,” says Napoleon. “Some of it’s neurological, some of it can be improvements in ground reaction force sequencing, wrist mechanics, increased stability throughout the swing.”

“It’s a wild thing. People may be in that plateau phase for two months, two-and-a-half months. Every day it’s the same thing and then one day it’s like BOOM, there’s a jump.” – Michael Napoleon, SuperSpeed Golf

Due to weather, work, health, and life in general, four of our testers took the winter off, but three continued with their protocols and, with the help of some coaching from SuperSpeed, each hit their second jump.

“We were really excited to see the second jump happen for the three testers,” says Shay. “We know it’s going to happen for these other guys; they just got stalled out. But again, these are regular Joe golfers with a range of handicaps.”

Kevin, Mike, and Jason

Of the three golfers who stayed with the program all winter, Mike Mock from Wisconsin and Kevin Loughren of Florida experienced the biggest jumps, and are both seeing results where it matters: on the golf course.

“I’m in the high 240’s now, that’s close to 30 yards longer than I used to be,” says Loughren, a 62-year-old minister from Tampa who went from 91 MPH up to 104 on the SuperSpeed radar, and from 88 to the high 90’s on his club’s TrackMan. “There was a big jump in distance early on, and then another one right around the first of the year. I’m a club-and-a-half longer, at least, with my irons now, too.”

Mock, who’s speed jumped from 104 to 115 on the SuperSpeed Radar, is just now getting back on the course after a long, cold winter.

“I went through a club-fitting over the winter and was seeing increased speeds with all my clubs,” he says. “My last seven rounds before starting SuperSpeed I hit 56% of my greens and missed 3% deep. Through my first two rounds this spring I’m hitting 58% of my greens with 16% of my shots missing deep. It’s going to take some time to get used to my new distance gains.”

Unlike Mock, Loughren played throughout the winter, but like Mock, had to make some on-course adjustments.

“There have been a few times where timing was an issue, and my sequencing seemed a bit off,” he says. “And I’ve actually moved back a set of tees because I was hitting it into the trees on the same line as I was hitting it for the last five or six years.”

Jason Bentley of Tennessee – the third tester who used SuperSpeed Golf all winter, saw more modest gains, but did experience the same two-stage jump in speed.

“I’ve seen noticeable distance gains,” says Jason. “Hit my longest drive on Arccos (261 yards) and have seen a few in the 240 to 250 range.”

While not as dramatic as the increases Kevin and Mike experienced, Jason’s swing speed jumped from 89 to 96 MPH. Based on an estimated 2.5 yards per mile-an-hour increase, that’s a potential of 17.5 more yards.


Unbiased. No Guesswork. All Major Brands. Matched To Your Swing. Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning.


Napoleon says it’s not uncommon for golfers to experience some wildness as they go through the normalization phases.

“If I change a variable and increase how fast you’re rotating, what you used to do to square the face is now going to leave the face open because the body is moving a lot faster,” he says.

“Generally speaking, if people are going to have an issue, it’s leaving the face open a little bit more. It doesn’t have to do with swinging from the top down or anything like that. It really just has to do with the timing of the release of the club with something that’s moving faster.” – Michael Napoleon, SuperSpeed Golf

“There are definitely ups and downs with the program, but you will get out of it what you put into it,” says Mock. “Having the MyGolfSpy Forum double as a support group definitely helped get me through the stagnant periods where I wasn’t seeing any gains.”

“Do I feel younger? I do,” laughs Loughren. “Our league just started on courses I’ve played a ton of times over the past 12 years, and I already have four career drives.”

A Third Jump?

According to SuperSpeed Golf, the process of Plateau, Jump, and Normalization will continue as long as a golfer continues the protocols.

“In theory, the pattern will continue perpetually, with the jump size getting smaller each time,” says Napoleon. The first jump is around 5%, the second is 3 to 3.5%. The third jump, which may happen in year two of the training, is going to be much smaller, maybe 1.5 to 2%.”

And depending on the timing, the increase can be permanent, even if a golfer stops the training for a while.

“We’ve had players solidly into that first plateau phase for a couple of months – they can stop and maintain their speeds,” says Napoleon. “If you stop right at the edge of the Normalization phase, a lot of times you’ll see regression, so it all depends on where they are when they stop.”

As of now, the MyGolfSpy testers are in a 72-week program, going through protocols designed by SuperSpeed Golf to continue the Jump-Normalization-Plateau process.

“I’ve just finished the 27th week, so I don’t know what comes at the end of the 72 weeks,” says Loughren. “They’ve changed their protocols since last summer, so we’re just starting Level Four, and we’re doing five swings with the current drills. I’m just really happy I’m done with the kneeling swings. I hated those.”

“Realistically I won’t be up to training three times a week during the warm weather,” admits Mock. “Summer is short in Wisconsin, and I know I’ll have other priorities. I’ll probably train one to two times a week during the summer to make sure I maintain my increases.”

“When I started the training, I was working 11-hour days with a 30-minute commute each way,” adds Bentley. “I still didn’t have any problems getting the training in. I estimate I’ve swung that heavy stick 4,000 to 5,000 times!”

Unintended Consequences

There are drawbacks to newfound swing speed and length, not the least of which is your equipment.

“It definitely changes how you play the game and how you see the golf course,” says Shay. “The only negative we hear from people is they need to get their clubs re-fit for their new game – because if you’re swinging 10 miles an hour faster, your old driver may not fit anymore.”

Case in point is Bentley, who will sport a stiff shaft in his new Callaway Epic Flash driver after years of playing a regular flex.

“My current swing speed (96.5 MPH) is right at the point where I can fit into either a regular or stiff,” he says. “My fitter recommended stiff because it tightened up my dispersion.”

“It’s like when you lose 40 pounds and have to buy new pants,” adds Napoleon. “It doesn’t feel all that bad. You feel better about yourself, and you get to buy a new wardrobe. It’s the same thing with your golf clubs.”

As mentioned earlier, it shouldn’t be a surprise to deal with a bit of wildness as you go through the protocols as the skill part of the golf swing will need time to catch up to the new found speed. All three of our testers experienced periodic wildness to varying degrees.

“Depending on where you start and the way you were sequencing and using the ground, it’ll change,” says Napoleon. “It’ll change in a positive way: we get more vertical force, and we get better peaking orders and rotational elements in the kinematic sequence. But if you’re a player who’s learned to play with deficiencies in those areas, you may have never learned how to swing more efficiently or more athletically, so the skill side has to catch up.”

“We find with high-level players it doesn’t take that long for them to figure out the skill piece to line up the face again to a little faster body rotation. That happens during the Normalization phases when things are adjusting. Once you plateau all of that tends to stabilize.” – Michael Napoleon

What Does This Mean For You?

According to SuperSpeed Golf, the first jump in swing speed happens almost immediately and takes about six weeks or so to become the new normal. And anywhere from 9 to 20 weeks later, a second jump takes hold. Our three testers who worked with SuperSpeed Golf over the winter bear that out, with each seeing a measurable jump immediately and a second jump roughly 21 weeks into the program.

So if you were to start today, you could, in theory, improve your swing speed by 10% or more by Labor Day. That could turn a 100 MPH swing into 110 MPH, and that could mean another 25 yards off the tee and maybe a club to a club-and-half with your irons.

That, my friends, is a real-world game-changer.

Yes, I know we’re all supposed to be super-cynical about everything, and we all know there’s a wee bit of voodoo in every OEMs claims about hotter-faster-longer, but data doesn’t lie. The testers in MyGolfSpy’s case study are regular guys, just like you and me. None of them are internet marvels who smack it 300 down the middle every time, and none of them are what you’d call ath-a-letes.

But every one of them is swinging the club appreciably faster now than they were last fall.

“These guys are regular people, they weren’t working on stuff in the gym and weren’t like really active and physically fit,” says Napoleon. “But our goal for this is that anyone could pick this up, regardless of where they are in terms of skill level, fitness level – it really doesn’t matter where you’re starting, you’re going to get better with this.”

When you look at the time and money invested and the return these people received, if you can go from 91 to 104, you’re a different golfer, and you’re playing a different game.

And you’re telling Father time to take a hike.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2PrmxoP


In 1976, Karsten Solheim – founder of PING Golf – patented the first PING Man, a robot used primarily for R&D purposes. As to the value of this mechanical teammate, “They answer a lot of questions without saying a word,” said Solheim. Forty-three years later, I’d imagine Solheim would have similar thoughts on PING’s partnership with Arccos.

Through the use of sensors installed in the butt-end of each grip, Arccos captures thousands of data points during each round and when used in conjunction with Arccos Caddie, leverages artificial intelligence to make data-driven club and course strategy recommendations. “We are honored to join forces with PING in furthering the promise of data for the everyday golfer,” says Arccos CEO and Co-Founder Sal Syed. With Arccos, mainstream golfers have access to the same level of stat tracking, and performance analysis as tour pros do via technologies like Shotlink – and for better (or worse) Arccos’ data collection means you’ll know exactly how far your 7-iron carries on average – even if it won’t impress your buddies. “In addition to providing exact distances plus club recommendations, the app collects thousands of data points that can be analyzed to uncover opportunities for further improvement through set makeup or other equipment refinements,” notes PING President John K. Solheim. To take that a step further, given sufficient on-course data, Arccos could tell you when it might be beneficial to drop that 5-iron and add a 5-hybrid.


Unbiased. No Guesswork. All Major Brands. Matched To Your Swing. Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning.


The agreement allows PING customers to access the benefits of Arccos technology through its custom-order program, which offers both the Smart Grip (sensor embedded in the grip) and Smart Sensor (sensor screws into the butt end of an existing) technologies. The MSRP for each sensor is $10.50, and the Smart Grip version is available exclusively in the Golf Pride 360 Tour Velvet in white (standard) and aqua (-1/64”) sizes.

Arccos is engineered as a full-bag concept and therefore to access PING’s version of the Arccos Caddie app, golfers will need to equip every club (including putter) with a sensor. Additionally, new customers get a 90-day free Arccos Caddie app trial. After the initial period, an annual subscription to the app runs $99.99.

Three years ago, Cobra Golf was the first major OEM to venture into an agreement with a tech-forward company by incorporating Arccos sensors on each of its three King series drivers (LTD, F6, and F6+). At the time, the primary question wasn’t whether or not it could benefit golfers, but rather what would be the next logical extensions of such a platform. Now, with the PING-Arccos agreement, perhaps it’s a step toward more OEMs formalizing strategic partnerships with tech brands, though ShotScope is likely the currently the only worthy competitor in the space.

Taking a minute to consider the possible applications of Arccos and similar technologies, it’s easy to get lost in a list of hypothetical “What if’s” – What if AI could adjust for geographic factors like elevation, wind, and temperature? What if Arccos could scan and read a green to produce a suggested line? What if Arccos Caddie became legal for tournament play?

The Luddites might not be thrilled with such advancements, but big data is here to stay. If anything, it’s only going to get bigger.

In MyGolfSpy’s One Word Brand Survey, PING was most strongly associated with the terms engineering, trustworthy, integrity, quality and humble. What this seems to indicate is consumers believe PING’s discerning, yet targeted approach to growth is made in a manner which adheres to its Play Your Best mantra and by partnering with Arccos, PING is continuing to make good on that edict.

Is this type of partnership something you believe other brands should offer?

For more information, visit PING.com.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2IXYUTN

Monday, April 22, 2019

Win an Awesome Tiger Woods Prize Package from Bridgestone Golf

Hey Tiger Woods fans (I guess that’s pretty much everyone), have we got something cool happening with Bridgestone Golf.

Under normal circumstances, a one-year supply of Tiger’s golf balls from the #1 Ball Fitter in Golf would be a pretty sweet prize, but if you’re going to offer a Tiger Woods prize package barely a week after the GOAT wins the freakin’ Masters (again), you gotta go big.

And so, we’re going big. Big Cat big.

We’re giving you a chance to win a one-year supply of Special Edition Bridgestone Tour B XS ‘TIGER’ Balls. For the sake of clarity, that’s 12-dozen of the exact same ball Tiger plays.

TIGER stamp on the side? All number 1s?

Yup and yup.

Exciting stuff, for sure, but like I said, we’re going bigger.

In addition to 144 TIGER balls, the winner will receive a Tiger Woods autographed flag from the 2017 Masters. And yes – before someone says it – we’re aware that Tiger missed the 2017 Master. We looked into it, and it turns out there’s no rule against signing a flag from a tournament in which you didn’t play.

Do you want to win or not?

Hell yes, you do. The Tour B XS fits Tiger and it could fit you too.


To enter, leave a comment below and tell us if you’ve ever been fit for a golf ball – and if so – the ball model you were fit for. If you haven’t been fit, tell us what ball you currently play.

For a bonus entry, hit the retweet button below and follow BridgestoneGolf on Twitter.


  • Contest ends at midnight Eastern time on 4/26/2019 at 5 PM Eastern Daylight Time
  • Winners will be selected at random from all valid entries
  • The contest is open to US residents only (Sorry, we don’t make the rules)
  • As always, Void Where Prohibited

Good luck, everyone.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2Ut76NO

Saturday, April 20, 2019

5 really good reasons to visit Britain in Spring

Britain is spring is truly breathtaking. The whole country seems to explode into floral colour, there’s more daylight and the weather is not nearly as dreary as it was in winter. I love both springtime and autumn in the UK, though Britain in winter also holds its own special appeal....

The post 5 really good reasons to visit Britain in Spring appeared first on The Quirky Traveller Blog.

from The Quirky Traveller Blog http://bit.ly/2IKMeza

Friday, April 19, 2019

Golf company is giving away free rangefinder batteries. Here’s how to get them.

Everyone gets a free battery today.

Yeah, we get it; for some of you that’s probably not as exciting as your free World Series Doritos Loco Taco, but I’m guessing many of you might actually prefer the free rangefinder battery. Why? Because it sucks when your rangefinder battery dies. We know you depend on it, and we want to make sure a dead battery doesn’t leave you with one-hundred and who the hell knows left to the flag.

Precision Pro Golf is giving away FREE rangefinder batteries today.

In case you missed it last year, or you’ve already burned through the first one, Precision Pro is again running its free rangefinder battery promotion. You read that correctly – free. As in zero cost. Zip, zilch, nada. As long as your rangefinder accepts the standard CR2-3V battery, you’re good to go.

Simply click here, fill out the form and presto, in a few days you’ll find a new battery in your mailbox. That’s it. No hooks, catches, or attached strings.


Unbiased. No Guesswork. All Major Brands. Matched To Your Swing. Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning.


Why would Precision Pro just give you a battery? Clay Hood and Jonah Mytro founded Precision Pro with the belief every golfer should have access to a high-quality rangefinder at an affordable price, but perhaps most importantly, the company would value the consumer every bit as much, if not more, after the purchase.

Says Hood, “We like to go above-and-beyond when it comes to delivering great customer service, and the free battery replacement service is a simple way that we can to that. We thought expanding the replacement service so that all golfers — whether they have one of our rangefinders or not — was a great way to show golfers that we try to do things a little bit different here at Precision Pro Golf. If we go above and beyond for someone who isn’t even a customer, we hope they’ll believe that we’ll definitely go the extra mile when they buy a Precision Pro Golf rangefinder.”

Think of it as a free sample of the type of customer service to which Precision Pro believes every consumer is entitled.

To claim your free rangefinder battery, click here.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2DlB8xi

Writing Prompt: The Secrets We Bury

I recently finished a novel where a character hiding in a secret panel in an old house had lost consciousness and died. The only person who had an inkling of the hiding space was a child who grew up harboring the terrible secret. Secrets are a great way to add depth to a character, especially if the secret is on theme. Try this writing prompt and see what you uncover!

Writing Prompt: The Secrets We Bury

I’ve been revising a character and thinking about what secrets she keeps. As I wrote through several scenes, I suddenly found her with a shovel in the back of her grandmother’s property burying three jars of homemade strawberry jam and a pocket watch.

I write mysteries, so burying things isn’t too off genre for me, but I realized that we bury things every day, either literally or figuratively. I began to wonder how a digging scene or a burying scene might amp up the stakes, increase tension, or complicate matters. Think about what your characters might bury.

The literal burial

Literal burials might include planting seeds, burying a beloved pet, installing a sprinkler system, or lowering a casket into a grave. A burial at sea, whether a dropped necklace or spread ashes, offers a number of interesting problems and complications.

Any of these actions in a scene could carry emotional weight or tension. Maybe a character is planting his first seeds in a tiny pot on the kitchen windowsill of his first apartment. Another character might be paying to have a sprinkler installed while her husband is at work, because he’s refused. Now we’re waiting to see his reaction when he comes home.

The literal burial speaks of action and deliberation, and almost always carries a symbolic dimension.

The figurative burial

Most stories contain at least one secret, and characters can hide them in all kinds of interesting ways.

Some of the methods may vary based on genre, such as the thriller’s encrypted files that need decoding or the mystery’s misleading alibi. We can figuratively bury everything from shopping trip receipts to alcohol.

Sometimes the burial is an omission—a lack of information given. Or we can flood a scene with details, burying the important bits, especially popular in mysteries where introducing a number of objects can confuse which one is important.

The figurative burial increases suspense and tension as we wonder when and how the secret will be discovered.

Why it matters

Not every story needs a secret to work well, but as I began noticing secrets and buried things in books and shows this week, I realized they are almost always present. I wonder why? Maybe it is the voyeur in us or the desire to figure things out.

Maybe a secret or a burial contains seeds of change and that is why they work so well in stories. Pay attention to the secrets and burial scenes you read or see this week. Which ones are handled well? Think about the symbolic repercussions of the scenes and how you might use something similar in your work. 

What is the most interesting burial scene you have read or viewed? Why? Share in the comments


Here’s your writing prompt: have your character bury or unearth something literally or figuratively. Make sure it sparks a change.

Take fifteen minutes to write. When you’re done, share your writing in the comments below, and be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

The post Writing Prompt: The Secrets We Bury appeared first on The Write Practice.

from The Write Practice http://bit.ly/2vb5UV0

Callaway Joins #PlayYellow Initiative

In 1986 Jack Nicklaus captured a record 6th green jacket by dramatically winning The Masters and while Augusta’s iconic blazer has a firmly etched place in golf history, it was Jack’s yellow shirt which has come to symbolize the philanthropic efforts spearheaded by Jack and Barbara on behalf of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Jack routinely donned a yellow polo during final rounds in memory of Craig Smith, the son of a close family friend who passed away in 1971 at the age of 13 from a rare form of bone cancer.

Now with the support of the PGA Tour and various corporate sponsors, Jack and Barbara have set a goal to raise $100 million over the next five years to help fund pediatric health care. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals rely on donations to help cover treatment costs beyond what many insurance plans provide.

It’s a cause which the Nicklaus family has supported for years in Ohio and Florida, and the Play Yellow campaign looks to extend this philanthropic effort across North America.

For its part, Callaway is donating $4 for every dozen-pack of Callaway ERC Soft Yellow balls sold from April 19th-May 31stERC Soft is the longest “soft” ball in Callaway’s line up and features Triple Track Technology for better alignment and a yellow colorway for enhanced visibility. The total amount raised during this quarter will be announced at The Memorial tournament (May 30-June 2), which is held at Muirfield Village Golf Club (aka Jack’s place) in Dublin, Ohio.

Says Callaway President & CEO, Chip Brewer: “Callaway Golf is honored to support the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals — an outstanding organization — through this Play Yellow initiative. We’re inspired by the golf industry’s broad effort to rally around this important cause and campaign.”

For more details about Play Yellow and to see how you can help support the campaign visit PlayYellow.org.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2Itr49t

(4) TESTERS WANTED: Odyssey Stroke Lab Putters

Do you feel your putting stroke is consistent? According to the folks at Odyssey, most aren’t.

In truth, no one’s putting stroke is perfect – heck, even the guys on Tour have their bad days. With Stroke Lab, however; Odyssey believes it can bring a lot more consistency to anybody’s putting stroke.

Testers Wanted

According to Odyssey, Stroke Lab is literally changing the way putters are built. The new multi-material Stroke Lab shaft is 40 grams lighter than a traditional steel putter shaft. Odyssey says the Stroke Labs shaft will help all aspects of your putting stroke; including tempo, backswing length, and face angle and clubhead speed at impact.

Is this just more marketing mumbo-jumbo that doesn’t make any real difference, or is there something to Stroke Lab technology? For answers, we need you. We’re looking for four avid, motivated, and detail-oriented golfers to test, review, and keep an Odyssey Stroke Lab putter.

How to Apply

As you know, MyGolfSpy takes its product testing very seriously. All of our reader reviews are published in our Community Forum (click here to check them out). We expect a lot from our reviewers – writing a thorough, detailed and honest review is a full two-month commitment, requiring extensive putting green and on-course work as well as participation in the Forum itself to answer questions and discuss product performance with other golfers.


Unbiased. No Guesswork. All Major Brands. Matched To Your Swing. Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning.


Please note this is not a giveaway or contest. We’re looking for four people committed to making a full evaluation and writing a detailed review for our Community Forum. Testers will be selected based on how well they demonstrate that commitment in the Forum Application Thread.

That means to be a potential reviewer you must be a registered member of the MyGolfSpy Community Forum, where you’ll find thousands of like-minded golfers from all over the world anxious to talk about golf equipment.

To apply to test, review and keep your Odyssey Stroke Lab putter, here’s what you have to do:

Good luck, we’ll be announcing the test participants next week, so check back in the forum community to see if you are chosen.

from MyGolfSpy http://bit.ly/2XooMMr